Jan 5, 2014

Character and Nature of God

I hardly know where to start. This week's teaching with Chris Twinn has probably been one of the most impactful times for me so far. Hopefully, you will learn at least a fraction of what I learnt about God during my time with this amazing man. I may jump around a lot, but I hope God reveals himself to you through it all.

Moving on:
The tree was not put in the garden of Eden as a source of temptation.  Adam was the caretaker, or priest, of the garden and if you study the Old Testament you realize that the priests offered tithes to God, and sometimes after they had sacrificed it a portion would be given back to them from God. The purpose of the tree was to act as a tithe to God, and then through that God would bless Adam. Unfortunately, due to not knowing the word of God in context, the only commandment in place was broken and the first misrepresentation of God's character took place. Knowing the Scripture inaccurately is worse than not knowing it at all.

God's character is who he is, and nature is what he is.

God's word is truth, because it is unchanging, unlike fact which is constantly fluctuating.
James 1: 16-17 and 1 John 1:1-5
- God is light, and he doesn't have a shadow. In order for a shadow to be created there has to be something brighter than you.
Genesis 1
- This world was established on light. Light can change and pass through matter. Darkness is the absence of light.

Rainbow around the sun after Church one day!
God is Spirit
Ephesians 2
- Heaven is a spiritual realm and Satan is a spirit, but he was kicked out and now has to operate in a physical/natural realm. We wage spiritual warfare against the devil, who wages soul warfare (heart, mind and body) against us. In order for Satan to have a stronghold over a city or nation, he has to have enough people in the same place who believe the same things in their minds and whose emotions are aligned.
Jesus disarmed Satan of the weapons that Adam gave him (Colossians 2:15).

God is Love
In our world today the definition of love is "give me", but God tells us in John 3:16 that his definition of love is "giving to others".  The moment we seek to acquire something in return when we say "I love you", it ceases to be love.
We are called to love the Lord with all that is within us (Matthew 22:37-40). So, if God wants us to give us all of our emotions from our soul (Psalm 103), how are we supposed to love the people around us? We love them through our spirit (Galatians 5:22-23), or the outpouring of God's love in us. When we do that we have no sense of rejection, because our spirits have no sense of rejection only our souls. (That takes some time to think over.)

My Heavenly Father is love, and he asks me to shine his light. My responsibility is to show love which is part of the basis of God's character, not to evaluate how others show love.
If you want to read some other things I learnt this week:

Righteousness - Right standing before God through the blood of Jesus Christ. He did not come to carry our sin, but to become our sin, in order for us to become his righteousness. How righteous was the Son of Man?
Religion - Begins the second time you do something that God told you to do once, or returning to the familiar without God's guidance.
Faith - Following God's guidance in the unfamiliar.
Born again - Meditating on God's word to rewrite our old memories/old life, not to lose the memories we had previously. It's like a computer hard-drive, nothing is ever completely deleted, it is just written over when the computer needs more space. The whole purpose for this is to get our spirit to stop arguing with the Holy Spirit.
Wicked - Twisted truth. Comes from weaving wicker baskets.
Humility: To agree with the truth.

Cool fact:
The Jews do not say the name of God in Hebrew, and if they write it down it cannot be erased because it is so sacred. In Hebrew every letter has a picture, musical note, and several other interesting things attached to it. God's name in the English version of the Bible is LORD, but if we look at the imagery in Hebrew it is a hand, an eye, a nail, and another hand. God's own name is a picture of the Cross! He shows and tells us through his own name how far he would go for us!

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