Mar 12, 2017

Days Like These

I sat in my lounge this morning gazing out the window at the overcast sky. A day that is neither cold nor warm, where you can be comfortable in nearly any clothing combination you choose. How I love these kind of days where you awake tired and content after a late evening laughing and chatting with friends both here and halfway across the world. There is something so peaceful in awaking to a day where you have no need to rush, but can take your time putting together a late breakfast while brewing coffee.
In my task-oriented mind I often forget to stop and rest. Acknowledging that rest is okay and it is good for me. Taking the time to remember the little things that I enjoy doing such as writing in a journal, that I so easily forget about until I've filled four pages. I find it so easy to get caught up in the big picture or even the little details that make the big picture possible. But it is on days like these that I remember.
I remember how much I love the quiet, simple moments of sitting on the couch and reflecting on just how incredible it is to live life with God. Hearing His voice, the relationships that bloom out of having Him as a mutual friend, the laughter or tears that can come in moments of revelation, the ability to watch time after time as people are continuously provided for in things as complicated as travel expenses and schooling or in things as simple as the ability to purchase a cup of coffee. Then asking myself how I could choose a life that incorporated anything else?
I remember how incredibly blessed I am to have family and friends that care for me and champion me in my faith.
I remember that I can share all of this with other people on a blog that I haven't used in roughly a year!
I remember that life doesn't have to be complicated and full of checklists.
I remember...on days like these.