Jan 20, 2015

Courage In the Storm

"Meanwhile, the disciples were in trouble far away from land, for a strong wind had risen, and they were fighting heavy waves. About three o'clock in the morning Jesus came toward them, walking on the water. When the disciples saw him walking on the water, they were terrified. In their fear, they cried out, 'It's a ghost!' But Jesus spoke to them at once. 'Don't be afraid,' he said. 'Take courage. I am here!'
Then Peter called to him, 'Lord, if it's really you, tell me to come to you, walking on the water.'
'Yes,come,' Jesus said. So Peter went over the side of the boat and walked on the water toward Jesus. But when he saw the strong wind and the waves, he was terrified and began to sink. 'Save me, Lord!' he shouted. Jesus immediately reached out and grabbed him. 'You have so little faith,' Jesus said. 'Why did you doubt me?'" Matthew 14:24-31

You may have heard this story of Jesus walking on water before, maybe more times than you can count. Yet, today I learned something new from this simple story. It wasn't Peter's lack of faith that stood out to me, or the fact that Jesus was walking on water. What stood out to me as I read my Bible in the living room of our house, was Jesus words to Peter before he ever left the boat. "Don't be afraid. Take courage. I am here!"

Over the last two weeks I've been fundraising, job hunting, helping around the house, meeting with friends, spending time with my brothers, and yet through it all feeling restless. The type of restless as if there is something just beyond your fingertips, but though you stand on your tip-toes and turn in all directions it remains elusively out of reach, like that item on the top shelf in a kitchen cupboard that you are just a little to short to reach. Personally, I think my restlessness is stemming from a place within that is struggling to comprehend why I am in Kelowna. I believe that this time is meant to build relationships, to do fundraising, to build a support/prayer team for the time when God calls me to rejoin missions overseas, and do just be in God's presence. However, that last component has been sorely lacking.

I can so easily get caught up with things that I want/need to do or fill my time for the day, that I reach the end and discover I didn't spend nearly as much time with God as I should/could have. Jesus called out to Peter saying, "I am here!" and he still calls out to us each day wanting to take away our fear and replace it with the courage that comes with knowing we are not alone on the journey. But, how I can I acknowledge that I am not alone if I do not take the time to talk with my companion, to listen to what he says, and to spend time enjoying having him around. It's far too easy to breeze through one's Bible reading for the day, close the book, continue with the day's agenda, and fall into bed without spending even two minutes enjoying God.

It is a daily choice. It is a choice that I wish to make. I want to leave behind the fear and take courage in the one that I call my Saviour and Lord. I want to have the courage to step out of the boat, knowing He is right there with me. I also want the courage to call out and acknowledge when I'm sinking, because He'll always be right there with a steady hand to pull me up and help me try again. That is one of the many reasons why I love him and follow him. For he never gives up on me and he's with me even in the midst of the most treacherous storms giving me courage to reach out to him.

Jan 6, 2015

Walking in Trust

Happy 2015 from a cold and snowy Kelowna! With the first snow day in 35 years there are a few changes taking place, and not just in the weather.

As many of you may recall in my last post, I mentioned that I was planning to return to Australia this week (in two days to be precise) and join YWAM Whitsunday as staff. However, details were not coming together and one day as I was praying for God to make Himself clear I received an email that made it clear that I was not meant to return to YWAM Whitsunday or Australia at this time. At first I was disappointed, I had been so sure that God would provide. Yet now it's becoming clear to me that being in Canada at this time is truly for the best.

The soup and cookie mixes
When I made the decision to not return to Australia this January God began to provide me with more opportunities to share with people what He has put on my heart. I believe that over the last week He has been confirming my decision. I have been doing a fundraiser through my church by selling soup and cookie mixes in a jar. It has been a huge blessing to know that people support me, are praying for me, and are interested in what I am doing. I've been able to raise over $300!

Even though the plans to return to Australia have been postponed I am still pursuing the opportunity to return later this year. For several weeks I was encouraged to look into a different base in Australia and I am now considering the option of joining staff there instead. For now I am looking for work, building relationships, sharing what God has put on my heart, and hoping to meet up with individuals who I have not yet had the chance to see.

An afternoon with two great friends!
Thank you so much for standing with me through this time! I appreciate all your prayers and encouragement so much!


Please continue to pray with me for:
- Work as I look for a job
- Clear understanding of how best to use my time while in Canada
- Clarity in what God is calling me towards next
- Individuals and families who are would be willing to support and pray for me as I look into being staff in YWAM