May 5, 2014

The Final Countdown (Five Days!!!)


The time is once again quickly approaching (Friday) to do laundry, pack, do last minute shopping, say farewell to family and friends, and board a plane in search for new friendships and more adventures! In the meantime I'll be double checking everything in my luggage and hoping I didn't forget anything too important. :)

My emotions are honestly all over the place when I think about being back in Australia in a week (is it really only a week away?). I'm excited to for the School of Evangelism, and to see many of my friends from DTS and meet even more amazing people. I'm also wishing I had just a little more time to roam this town that I have called home from the past few years and spend time with friends, or talk and laugh with my family. Alas, deadlines wait for no one and onward I go. I have a funny feeling getting on a plane Australia bound once again, will not feel like reality until I get off. Haha, but what can I do except make the best of it and make memories along the way?

These last five weeks at home in Canada have passed in a bit of blur. I must confess that upon entering the country I already had a decently long "to-do" list. That list has since been revised at least three times and believe it or not I've been able to check off a thing or two! The list wasn't ever nearly as important as meeting up with friends and spending time with the few members of my family that live here (we like to spread out around the world). Though I wish I had more time to meet up with so many others friends,

the time that I have had here and the conversations, or companionable silences, have all been cherished.

This beauty joined me in the greenhouse for a little while.
Work has been great, it came with a few challenges but I believe God has grown me through it. A small testimony from work would be seeing my boss smile and laugh. He's a really good businessman, yet after two weeks I realized I'd only seen him smile once or twice. For some reason this really bugged me and I began to pray that God would give him joy. This last week as I was asking him how long he wanted me working till since I fly out on Friday, he told me five minutes before the plane left and laughed. I was so shocked and ecstatic all at the same time. God answered my prayer!

Another small praise report is that I officially have $650 towards my roughly $8000 school! Whoohoo!

Thank you for reading!

Prayer requests:

- Knowing what to pack :)
- Health
- Safe travels
- A great last week with friends and family
- Finances for the SOE

1 comment:

  1. God has so many wonderful things to show us and give us each day. It is a pleasure to see you recognizing them and giving the Honor and thanks that He so deserves. Follow closely and He will give you joy unspeakable.
