May 27, 2014

Looking Backwards or Forwards?


I hope you are enjoying a lovely spring, or whatever season life finds you in wherever you may be in the world. :)

I am currently sitting in Canada on a beautiful Monday morning with a mix of sun and clouds and a promise of more throughout the week. Trust a Canadian to discuss the weather, eh? Haha, on to the important stuff.

These last few weeks have been spent with family, meeting friends that I didn't get a lot of time with before, and lots of desperate prayer. When I didn't board my Australian bound flight on May ninth, I had a funny feeling these extra weeks in Canada weren't just about a visa. After all, I had been telling God I thought I hadn't had enough time to truly reconnect with the people I wanted to see. Brilliant idea to tell him that, huh? Well, I have gotten that extra time and it has been really good. Though the next weeks were far from easy with the stress of getting all the paperwork put together for a visa leaving me in tears on many different days, and finding me asking God if Australia was where I was really supposed to go.

Happy Day! All the paperwork is nearly done and now I am just waiting on the mail to send one of the last puzzle pieces and once that is in, I'm just waiting on the green flag telling me that I can board my plane. Yes, I rescheduled my ticket for this Saturday so hopefully I'll be seeing Australia again soon as well as all of my friends who are currently there. The fight hasn't been easy, but I am believing that victory is in sight!

Thank you for reading and supporting me through this time!

Prayer Requests:
- That the last two pieces of paperwork would come in soon
- That I get the "yes!" that I've been waiting for and be able to board my plane on Saturday
- That I would be able to pack everything I will need
- For the last few days (hopefully) to be full of laughter, good times with friends and family, and so much more!

Fun Fact:
When I got home from my Discipleship Training School I was looking through some things that I had put into storage and trying to downsize. I can across a list of countries that I wanted to visit which I had written when I was roughly thirteen. I was out to prove that I had not ever really thought of going to Australia. Wouldn't you know that not only was Australia on my list, but the planned outreach location for this School of Evangelism was on there too! But, more about that later, so "sssshhh...."

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