Jul 29, 2015

Two Months To Go!

It seems that since I was little my life has been full of countdowns. Ticking off the days on the calendar till summer arrives, my birthday, Christmas, family vacation, or when we travelled to go visit friends. In more recent years the countdowns have included graduation from high school, special times with friends or family, and my first trip to Australia for my Discipleship Training School in 2013.
2013? Was it really so long ago?
Now another countdown begins for I'm leaving for Perth, Australia in two months! Yep, my plane tickets have been booked for the end of September and all the paperwork is in order! When I submitted my visa application I was very apprehensive due to bad experiences in the past. Yet, to my surprise and delight my visa was granted in a week with very little extra paperwork. What a blessing!

I keep glancing at the calendar and can't seem to decide whether two months is a long period of time or much too short of a time. All the logistical paperwork may be in order, the plane ticket bought, and the luggage awaiting to be packed...yet two more months are waiting to be lived. I have been working full time at a local grocery store since the end of January and I hope to continue there until a week or so before I leave. I have places I would like to explore in the area, friends & family I wish to spend more time with, and there are funds that have yet to come in.

I have been blessed with a wonderful job with which I've been able to save several thousand towards this upcoming year. Many friends, family members, and my church community have also contributed towards my vision for this time in Australia. I was able to host a BBQ at my church two weeks ago where I was able to share a little bit with my church community. God has been so faithful to provide everything I have needed thus far and I believe He will continue to provide!

The Beautiful Okanagan
Lately as I've been reading through the book of Hebrews in the New Testament, God has been encouraging me to have more faith in Him. There are many examples in this book, especially chapter eleven, which depict how a person's faith in God changed their circumstances. Through faith they left their homeland for a new country, brought forth nations, saved a people from starvation as well as slavery, killed giants, rescued soldiers, and so much more. Amazing things take place when we have faith in God and the promises He has made to us.

What can God do in two months? I guess I'm about to find out!

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