Jun 24, 2015

The Uncomfortable Truth

Well it sure has been awhile since I last posted. I don't really have any great excuses aside from the fact that I honestly didn't feel like I had much to say. Well, honestly, I didn't know what to say. So prepare yourself in the best way you know how for a confession as to my emotions regarding my pending trip to Australia. Prepare yourself because, I'm not entirely sure where this is going to go, but I want to be honest with you.

I'm going back to Australia!!! Oh, my goodness I'm so incredibly excited to return to the land Down Under where I spent the majority of my time last year. It was an incredible year of learning, growth, sunshine, friendship, and exploring God's heart. I changed so much in that year alongside an amazing group of other young people. I also got to experience Youth With A Mission (YWAM) in a completely new way, from what I had already seen growing up within it's atmosphere.

I'm going back to Australia?!?! For two years? Don't get me wrong I enjoy adventure, but I've never been away from family for that long. I know I'll probably have breaks here and there and be able to come back and visit...but two years? How much will change in that time? Who will I be? What will I have learned? Where will I have gone? Who will I have met?

Considering all that I've seen God do for me in the last couple years. Despite the ways I've seen/heard of Him coming through for countless other people around the world, I still ask the same question. Will God come through for me? Is it honestly true that I get to go back to Australia? That I'm already in the process of getting a visa that will allow to both study and volunteer for two years in YWAM Perth? Will all the finances come in? He's already provided so much through fundraising, one-time donations, and blessing me with a job! Close to half of the finances I will need for my first year have already come through. This includes payment for a plane ticket, a visa, and renewing my passport! God has already opened so many doors, allowing the details to come together so smoothly it blows me away!

My God is good. He has blessed me with an amazing family and wonderful friends. He has provided for me from the beginning and guided me every step of the way. He's sending me back to the country where I fell in love with Him. A country where I learned of the love that a Father has for his children, and God's love for me. A love that I want to share with others.

I'm not eloquent with words. Nor am I good at walking up to people and starting conversations. But, I found a love that captivates me. A love that over the next two years in Australia, I want to learn to share with others. I want to embrace my strengths, find my weaknesses, and learn how I can best reach out to the people in this broken world. A people who cry out for love and acceptance. I want make a difference, as cliché as that may sound.

Will you join me?

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