Jul 27, 2014

My Eyes are Open


How are you?

Lately God has been teaching me about the importance of living with my eyes open. It's hard walking through a room in the dark when you aren't quite certain where things are (especially if you tend to trip over things like air as I'm often prone to doing).It's often harder to walk through a room with your eyes closed and having someone else lead you. However, to me one of the hardest things is to walk through a room seeing with my eyes and yet being somehow blind to how God is working.

I am one of those people who find it incredibly frustrating when I don't understand what is taking place around me. So when God began showing me how much I've been missing out on by walking through life with my eyes partly closed, I wasn't a happy camper. If someone tells me I'm in a box, I like to find that box and smash it. Thus, I refuse to live in a box that dims my vision of the world around me.

I am far from perfect, but I'm not concerned about being perfect. My goal is to walk through life with my eyes on Jesus Christ. With both eyes on Him, I believe that despite whatever ups and downs that come my way I will be the better for it. Walking through life with no understanding of God or how He is moving in the world and in the lives of people, holds no appeal for me. I want my eyes to be open in order to walk in all God has in store for me and to share Him with others. God is my Father, Savior, and King and I will follow Him all the days of my life!

Thank you for reading and for all your prayers!


Praise report:
I would like to thank you all so much for your prayers this last week. God has been providing in amazing ways! At the beginning of the week between my eleven fellow students and I, as well as our base leaders, we needed to see over $20,000 come in for us all to go on outreach to Central Asia. Praise God, we now only need a little over $5,000! In the span of just twenty-four hours one of my friends received all $3400 that she was needing. Isn't our God good?

Prayer Requests:
- For the last of the money to come in. God can provide!
- For peace and unity through all the last minute preparations and packing - Health - To continue to seek God's will in everything as we see Him glorified in our lives and in the nations! 

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