Jun 29, 2014

Gaining A New Perspective


Preparing for Outreach with a Cultural Breakfast
On Tuesday afternoon, we went out to go talk to people. Going out in a buddy systems, one of my friends and I walked around the lagoon (an outdoor pool) here in Airlie Beach. Letting God lead us we joined a lady who was sitting at a picnic table. After talking for some time, there was a bit of a lull in the conversation as often happens when talking with complete strangers or even your best friend. If you've met me or talked to me at any point, it's quite possible you know full well that I'm a very curious person and like to ask lots of questions (troublesome things those questions). So, given the lull in conversation I asked a question to see where the conversation would lead.

The turn in conversation was not what I had expected whatsoever. The lady shut me down telling me I was asking too many questions and she didn't appreciate being "interviewed." My friend and I apologized, and then the conversation moved on to a different topic. Later that evening, my friend and I sat discussing the conversation. We had both walked away feeling odd and hadn't been able to shake the feeling.

Personally, I was struggling with the reality of what the lady said. I know of previous instances in my life where I have asked too many questions, and the results were not good ones. I don't want my curiosity to be something that hurts people. I also don't want to be afraid to ask questions. I seem to have found myself in the very long process of learning the boundary between a good amount of questions and going overboard. My friend and I prayed for one another after this long conversation and said goodnight.

Cute Little Birds
The next morning I read near the end of Mark 10 about the blind beggar, Bartimaeus. I've heard this story before, yet this time the man's boldness struck me. Bartimaeus heard that Jesus was walking past, and knowing of the miracles that Jesus had done he began to shout. This man wanted to see and he believed that Jesus could heal him. The people around the blind man told him to be quiet, yet their scolding created more of a public spectacle because he refused to shut up.

One lady's statement had completely shut me down and left me cross-examining myself for hours! I will respect the input of others, but I don't want their comments to dissuade me from calling out to Jesus. I want to be able to stand up when everyone is telling me to sit down. I want to choose to follow God and continue to believe in who He is and what He can do, despite any obstacles I face down the road.

Thank you for reading!

Fun fact: I now have a baby niece! So excited for this new addition to the family!

Please pray for:
- Continual growth in God
- Finances (
if you would like to support me, please email me at amyt.dr@gmail.com)
- Health
- That the people of Airlie Beach will encounter God
- For all the details to come together smoothly as my school prepares to go to Central Asia for outreach (it's coming up fast!)

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