Dec 9, 2013

He is Worthy!

Week 3 we went camping for a week on one of the islands. It was beautiful and a great place to learn about the importance of worship and prayer.

How do you define worship? To me it was always about singing along with a song or going to church like a good girl, but now I have a better definition. Worship is about your heart attitude. You see, worship shouldn't be a once a week or once a day routine it should be something we do continually throughout the day. How? Why? When? Let me explain.

Worship doesn't just have to be about singing a song, though that is one of my personal favourites, it can be anything you do throughout the day minus sin. Confused? Worship is about what we think, how we feel, and what we do/how we express ourselves. It's our heart attitude! If you we are scrubbing the toilet, vacuuming, repairing a household item, or cooking a meal and doing it for God it's worship. It's pretty simple really. I'm not saying you should make a plate of food and then let bugs run all over it, but how different would your attitude be if you were doing your chores because you knew that obeying your parents was pleasing to God, rather than the fact that your mom would stop yelling at you and you might be able to keep your video game privileges for the week?

But why should I worship? Isn't once a week enough? Well, really in all honesty you don't need to worship at all. God doesn't demand that you worship him, he'd appreciate it though. I don't mind if you comment on my blog, but I like it when people do because at least they are expressing how they are feeling. Don't put on a show, be yourself and express how you are feeling.
When Jesus was on the Earth he was constantly pointing everyone who wanted to glorify him to God. He wanted them to praise and give honour to God. He was showing people through his actions how great his Father was/is and wanted us to know him in and worship him in the same way.

The idea that God is worthy of my praise has become a constant reminder for me when my attitude begins to get rotten or I'm standing around a bunch of other people who are worshipping him and I'm feeling nothing. He is worthy of my worship no matter my circumstances or how I feel, because he cares so much for me. Just the other day I was standing in a crowd of people worshipping God, and they were raising their hands and dancing and glorifying God while I stood there. Then the thought went through my mind, just a whisper "He is worthy". I took a breath and decided that I would worship Him even though I didn't really want to. By the time the next song was halfway done my attitude had completely changed and I was enjoying myself giving praise and honour to my Daddy and my King.

What is your heart attitude toward worship? You don't have to sing, or dance, or lift your hands, just thanking Him for the little things is worship and you can do it every second of the day.

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