Apr 2, 2015

Simple Joys

Have you ever had those days where one little thing makes the whole difference? For example, sharing a cup of tea/coffee with a friend, going for a walk whether along the beach on in the mountains, snuggling under a blanket, watching a favourite movie, or just simply receiving a hug when you need it most. There are so many choices that we make throughout the day, and sometimes the smallest ones are the ones that change our day for the better or for the worse.

I know I've already written about this topic a bit in my last post, but finding joy in something simple amid what could otherwise be a very chaotic life has been a big lesson for me lately.You see, I'm a perfectionist in the sense that when a certain number of things don't turn out the way I hoped they would, life sucks and thus my day is ruined. I didn't ever care for how my mind seemed to work in this way, so over the last few weeks I've been challenging myself to keep a looser hold on perfection and a slightly tighter hold on the simple joys a day can bring.

That may have sounded a little confusing so let me try and provide some examples from the last few weeks. Examples...examples...where to start. Ah, yes! Last week, after my work day was finished, I was returning home and stopped to check the mailbox before going inside. There was some of the usual junk mail, business stuff for my parents, and then to my delight I found an envelope addressed to me! Okay so this sounds incredibly old fashioned and slightly cheesy but I really love getting letters in the mail (no subtle hints here). This letter happened to be from a dear friend of mine in Australia, and what she wrote really made my day. It was only a letter, yet after a long work day it warmed my heart.
On another day, one of my co-workers bought me chocolate. And then there are the evenings that I've worked late and returned to find that my brother had made dinner for me. Or when you find that the library or a thrift store has a book that you've been wanting to read for ages. It might just be meeting with a friend and having a chance to talk over a cup of tea. Even last night, I got to go to the theatre with my brother and a friend. All of these things and so many more, are so simple and yet they can bring so much joy with them.

I still struggle with perfection when it comes to everything turning out the way I want it too. It may be something I struggle with for the rest of my life. But I don't want the struggle to obstruct my view of all the little things that can make the day turn into something awesome. If you can't tell by how often I repeat myself, I like the simple joys that life offers. :)

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