Oct 5, 2014

Scanning the Horizon


A new month seems to suggest a different location for my life, so at the moment I'm back in Kelowna, Canada! The School of Evangelism officially ended on September 26 after five months of exploring effective ways to share the Good News in a cross-cultural setting and learning more about our amazing God. Our eight week outreach in Central Asia was full of challenges, but they were all worthwhile for the growth we experienced, the lives we touched, and the ways we saw God move. If you would like to hear some stories of what I got to be a part of during that time feel free to contact me at amyt.dr@gmail.com, I'd be happy to tell you about all that God did!

The team
Through the SOE God continually revealed to me the importance of finding my strength in Him and learning to have joy in all circumstances. The other day I was looking through some of my notes from the lecture phase and found a prayer that I had written down. I was momentarily stunned and then laughed as I read over the prayer which talked all about learning to find joy in my Heavenly Father every day. God had taken that simple prayer and turned it into a day to day lesson for the rest of my school. He taught me to find my joy and strength in Him, and some days I still need reminders of those lessons. My faith in Jesus Christ combined with my love for people and travel has taken me to several new countries over the last year. I've learned to trust in God for finances, to love the way He loves, to step out in boldness because I serve a God that does the impossible, and to give even when I feel like I have nothing left for God can truly take the bad and make it into good. It has been a wild, crazy, and exciting journey which I wouldn't trade in for anything!

The journey isn't finished yet, it continues even now while I'm back in Canada though it may look a little different. For the next few months I am going to be in North America spending time with family and friends. I'll be mainly here in Kelowna, but during the month of November I plan to be in Michigan with my eldest brother and his growing family. During my time there we'll also have a mini family reunion over American Thanksgiving. I'm also planning to join in a road trip with my dad from Michigan to Canada during which we will be stopping to visit friends and family whom we haven't seen in several years. I'm so excited for these next few months to relax, catch up with friends and family, and seek God for whatever lies ahead. I'm so blessed to have this time and would love to see you and personally share stories of God's love and faithfulness. I hope to host a night within the next few weeks to share about my time in Central Asia, show some photos, and share stories from the last year. I am also looking at finding some work as well as getting plugged into some of the ministries that take place here.

Thank you so much for your prayers and support!  With your help I've been able to share the Gospel and see transformation in the lives of those around me as they learn of God's love. It is so amazing to think of all the seeds that have been planted around the world through your prayers, support, encouragement, and through simply reading this blog!


Prayer Requests:
- To know what ministries I should volunteer with around the city
- To find work
- For the time I spend with family and friends
- Finances
- To continue to glorify God in all that I say and do, as I learn to seek His plans for my life above all else.

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